Spelljammer: Pirates of Realmspace, 002: Our First Victories

1 year ago

Our thumbnail is AI art of Captain Christayn! We've got a nice sheet of our base crew here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ziAt9_Noe9byBaGWpJr9vSYhc3MyxazK/edit?usp=drive_link&ouid=110736438441790234073&rtpof=true&sd=true

I won't update that any more, because I hate uploading files and re-linking, etc., etc. But that should let you see where our starting-ish point was. We do have a goal: Get good stuff. I'm really enjoying this game. The music is charming; the spelljamming is great. The quest text is pretty simple, but I like that we're doing things like shipping carpets and not just high adventure.

The first 30 minutes or so are just preparation. Lots of shopping, and then an enemy ship attacks! We shoot it out of Realmspace, and I learn that our captain is the only character that gains XP. Thief is the worst choice; I should have been a caster. The boarding combat reminds me of Ultima, which is a good memory for me.

This Google Drive ZIP contains our crew's AI generated portraits; it's AI generated, so use as you need: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DK7XHunepuJDMGL498-QMgKXM1MwTGoB/view?usp=drive_link

00:00 Preparations and Delivery to Coliar
04:00 Level 6 for the Captain, Shopping and Shipping
27:40 Next Job: To Umberguard
29:30 A Ship Attacks!
33:00 Docking at Umberguard
36:50 Dread Pirate Quest
41:13 Dread Pirate Combat (Failure)
44:08 Dread Pirate Boarding!
59:00 Man'o'War Acquired
01:19:45 Crew Update

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