Look Up! Jupiter Is At Its Closest To Earth In 59 Years

9 months ago

If you love astronomy and sky gazing, the upcoming week is going to be an exciting one. Jupiter will be at its closest to Earth in the last 59 years as it reaches its opposition. From the viewpoint of Earth's surface, an opposition happens when an astronomical object rises in the east as the Sun sets in the west, placing the object and the Sun on opposite sides of Earth.

According to NASA, Jupiter's opposition occurs every 13 months, making the planet appear larger and brighter than any other time of the year. But that's not all. Jupiter will also make its closest approach to Earth in the last 59 years. This happens because Earth and Jupiter do not orbit the Sun in perfect circles – meaning the planets will pass each other at different distances throughout the year.

Jupiter's closest approach to Earth rarely coincides with opposition, which means this year's views will be extraordinary. At its closest approach, Jupiter will be approximately 367 million miles or 590 million kilometers from Earth, about the same distance it was in 1963. The massive planet is about 600 million miles or 965 million km away from Earth at its farthest point.

This video explains how to see Jupiter as it reaches its opposition.

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