#66 6-axis robot

1 year ago

A 6-axis robot, often referred to as a 6-DOF (Degrees of Freedom) robot, is a type of robotic system with six different axes of movement or rotation. These axes allow the robot to move and position itself in three-dimensional space with a high degree of flexibility and precision. The six axes typically correspond to the following motions:
Base Rotation (Axis 1): This axis allows the robot to rotate horizontally at its base.
Shoulder Rotation (Axis 2): The second axis enables the robot's upper arm to move up and down, usually in a vertical plane.
Elbow Rotation (Axis 3): Axis 3 controls the rotation of the robot's forearm and allows it to bend and straighten.
Wrist Pitch (Axis 4): This axis allows the robot's wrist to tilt up and down.
Wrist Roll (Axis 5): Axis 5 controls the rotation of the robot's wrist, enabling it to rotate its end-effector (such as a gripper or tool) around its own axis.
Wrist Yaw (Axis 6): The final axis allows the robot's wrist to twist or rotate side to side.
With these six degrees of freedom, a 6-axis robot can perform complex tasks that require precise positioning and orientation in three-dimensional space. These robots are commonly used in industries such as manufacturing, automotive, aerospace, and healthcare for tasks like welding, painting, assembly, and material handling. The ability to move in multiple axes makes them highly versatile and adaptable for various applications.

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