What is fiverr? | fiverr freelancing Course | #1

1 year ago

What is fiverr? | fiverr freelancing Course | #1

Dear folks i have design this course specially for those who want to learn about fiverr freelancing marketplace to earn money online. i will teach you this course from basic to advance level so that you become successful in this field.
Fiverr is one of the best freelancing market place where you can sell your digital skill and this fiverr website connects you with the worldwide clients so that you can earn money online.

Watch the video till end learn with joy

This video outline is
0:00 Introduction of the course
1:29 what is fiverr? and how it works
4:16 who are the freelancer?
6:01 what is gig
7:01 who are the clients in this market place

#fiverr #fiverrfreelancing #fiverrtutorial

How To Create Account on Fiverr in 2022 | fiverr freelancing course | #2

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