Israeli Brigadier General (RES) Amir Avivi Newsrael Dr Harper interview

1 year ago

Israeli Brigadier General (RES) Amir Avivi of Israel’s Defense & Security Forum joins Newsrael’s White House Correspondent Dr. Matthew Anthony Harper Sunday August 27, 2023 to talk about Israel’s defense and security issues.
For more information about Israeli Brigadier General (RES) Amir Avivi of Israel’s Defense & Security Forum, click on the following link:
For more information about the Israel news service ‘Newsrael,’ click on the following link:

Read the Jewish scripture warning of dividing Israel in the Prophet Joel 3:2:
“I will gather all the nations And bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. Then I will enter into judgment with them there On behalf of My people and My inheritance, Israel, Whom they have scattered among the nations; And they have divided up My land.” (NASB)

Dr. Harper is assigned to the White House and State Department press detail to report for the InterMountain Christian News and Israel news service ‘Newsrael.’

To make your tax deductible donation in support of Dr. Harper’s White House reporting for the InterMountain Christian News, please click on the following link to donate online:

Dr. Harper serves as the principal investigative journalist at the White House reporting on AntiSemitism. Here is Dr. Harper’s reporting on Anti-Semitism below. To learn about the Jewish cemetery desecration in Vilnius, Lithuania he reports on, click on the following YouTube link:
To learn more about UNRWA and Religious Freedom issues Dr. Harper reports on, click on the following YouTube link:

For more information about Dr Harper news reporting, click on following link:

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