PSA Sabre 10

1 year ago

Primary Arms Sabre-10, 16" barrel, Primary Arms SlX 1-10x scope ina Unity mount, Dead Air Keymo brake, Sandman S, shooting various Freedom Munitions .308 loads. My gun club's 100 yard tunnel was in use, so I just confirmed some things from my first range visit with the various grains at 25 yards. I was able to squeeze a .9" group with 155gr ProMatch, super happy with that for now!

Companies I sponsor with my $$$$$
@SpringfieldArmoryInc @PrimaryArmsOptics @Freedom.Munitions @OakleyStandardIssueChannel @GlockIncSmyrna @PalmettoStateArmoryVideos @sigsauerinc @SmithAndWessonInc @holosun @federalpremiumammo @Gorillaammo @CGArmsNatronaHeights @UnityTactical

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