蘇拉颶風-10 號風球-香港情況

1 year ago

Typhoon Sulla|Hong Kong’s 16th Hurricane Signal No. 10

The Observatory hoisted Hurricane Signal No. 10 at 8:15 pm today (September 1), which is the 16th Hurricane Signal No. 10 on record in Hong Kong.

Typhoon signal No. 10 means that the wind force in Hong Kong has reached or will reach hurricane force, that is, the sustained wind speed is 118 kilometers per hour or above.

At 9 p.m., the Observatory recorded the highest sustained wind speeds at Waglan Island, Tate's Cairn and Green Island at 159, 144 and 128 kilometers per hour respectively, and the highest gusts exceeded 83, 183 and 156 kilometers per hour respectively.

颱風蘇拉|香港第 16個十號颶風信號

天文台在今(9 月 1 日)晚 8 時 15 分懸掛十號颶風信號,是本港有紀錄以來第 16個十號颶風信號。



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