Insights into the global natural gas, LNG, and geopolitical impacts on the market from Dr. Brooks

1 year ago

Robert Brooks, Ph.D., Founder & Chairman, RBAC, Inc. - Insights into the global natural gas, LNG, and geopolitical impacting the market. #china #lng #geopolitics #naturalgas #europe #energy #energycrisis #energytransition

My time with Dr. Brooks was an absolute blast. We covered everything from RBAC, geopolitical issues around Russia, China, the Middle East, and financial modeling for global natural gas markets. Robert was an absolute saint for keeping me on task as I would ask 17 questions, and he would go through them with second and third-order-of-magnitude impacting issues.

When you look at RBAC's mission, it is clear that its corporate culture is focused on delivering sustainable energy to humanity.

Robert will go to China soon and have a direct pulse on critical market data. We are staying in touch to help get the word out about his trip and any information they can publicly release.

Also, I highly recommend signing up for their newsletters and following Cyrus Brooks on LinkedIn for excellent energy industry thought leadership.

Thank you, Dr. Brooks, for stopping by the podcast, and I look forward to visiting with you again and following RBAC for critical market updates. - Stu

Please follow Dr. Brooks on his LinkedIn

Check out the RBAC Website

RBAC is the market leading supplier of global and regional gas and LNG market simulation systems. These systems provide industry analysts powerful tools for supporting investment and M&A strategy, environmental and sustainability goals, credible risk analysis, trading strategy and policy development and assessment. Our products and expertise help companies go beyond the narratives and hype to identify the opportunities and define the risks inherent in the uncertainties of energy transition using reality and fact based fundamentals and analysis.

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