Weather Manipulation Is Happening & It’s Poisoning You 🚨☣️🚨

10 months ago

Weather Manipulation Is Happening & It’s Poisoning You 🚨☣️🚨

“Geoengineering is occurring, it's been occurring, it is not new, and your tax dollars are funding this. — Our bodies cannot metabolize these toxins. — Most of the pilots are, quote, hardened to humanity”

“I conducted air sampling, I conducted soil sampling, and I was getting high levels of these contaminants. When I started asking the question again under a new commander, I never in my life thought I would have somebody look me in the face and tell me, is there something wrong with you? You've been looking really depressed lately. You know I can put you under mental evaluation for up to 120 days. Who would take care of your daughter? Because I was divorced at the time.

As soon as I heard that, I knew. It validated everything I ever thought. And I thought, I've spent nine years of my life trying to protect human health, and here we are, violating law after law after law. Just sitting here, instead of protecting the people, we are poisoning the people. And you ask yourself, if this is true and we are spraying the people, where are the pilots? Where are the people?

— People don't come forward because these supposed whistleblower act protections that you have are not enforced, they're not supported, and they really don't exist.

— The biggest hurdle that we have is disinformation sites. I never say them, but

—- You have to understand that I have met people who used to be purposeful disinformation trolls as we call them.

These people are paid to get a website or an article. So I just want everyone to know and understand that of all things, of all the freedoms that we are losing, geoengineering is the number one issue that we are facing because you can have guns and money and you can have everything. If you don't have food and water and you are dying of respiratory or neurological illnesses, what does it matter?

‌— Our bodies cannot metabolize these toxins.

December 8th, 2014. My cousin who was fired by our dictator just before making rank withheld, sent me information given to him by a friend who is still an Air Force pilot. This pilot is saying that he flies cam trail flights. This pilot told my cousin that this global geoengineering effort goes by the name of, quote, at least within the circle of pilots and aviation crews that he works with. They are told to fly specific routes and satellite com links controlled aerosol dispersal patterns. He says that they only make course corrections from time to time and perform landings and takeoffs. Pilot navigation and maintenance crews are rotated constantly and only spend about 18 months at one given base.

He states that this is to keep pilots and their families from making too many friends and ending up with loose lips. They are told to simply do their job and shut the F up. First of all, I would like to say, I do not agree with my mission assignments, but what Soldier ever truly does. Several of us have considered bucking the ranks and going AWOL from time to time. We are kept in the dark when it comes to getting honest answers about what we are really spraying.

Should they discover that we or our families... are actively inquiring about your so-called chemtrails term, then automatic and swift disciplinary action will be taken. I would not intentionally spray my children or family with toxic aerosols, but as you must know, 80% or better do not have any family or children. Indigo pilots are chosen from the top ranks within the Air Force, Navy, and Coast Guard.

Most of the pilots are, quote, hardened to humanity and could care less about killing off unwanted or leeching aspects of America and the world. I swear to you, the majority of the pilots are like machines. I call them tanker terminators. We are paid more than any other pilot for our service, other than Air Force One pilots, who make as much or more and are kept in a dark secret world for their own protection.” Weather manipulation, often referred to as geoengineering, involves deliberate human intervention in Earth's climate system to modify weather patterns or mitigate the impacts of climate change. While there are some scientific research and proposals related to geoengineering, it's important to clarify a few points:

Cloud Seeding: One form of weather manipulation is cloud seeding, where substances are dispersed into clouds to encourage precipitation. This technique has been studied and used in certain regions to enhance rainfall, especially in drought-prone areas. However, the effectiveness and environmental impacts of cloud seeding are subjects of ongoing research and debate.

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