What in the World Are They Spraying? (documentary)

1 year ago

Released in 2010 and created by Michael Murphy who died in his sleep in 2020. This is the wildly successful, one of the original documentaries on the subject of stratospheric aerosol geoengineering. Some refer to this as chemtrails.
This film is an investigation into all aspects of the phenomenon of chemtrails. Over the past decade and more, long white trails emanating from jet planes have been seen lingering in the skies all over the planet, often expanding and merging to form vast swathes of artificial cloud cover.

These trails are clearly not water vapour contrails, which evaporate after several minutes. They remain overhead for long extended periods of time, often culminating in strange grid like formations. Now they have people asking some serious questions.

What are these trails, who is spraying them into our atmosphere and for what purpose? This film, produced by G. Edward Griffin, Michael Murphy and Paul Wittenberger sets out to answer those questions and discovers some disturbing answers.

Research indicates that the trails are part of a geoengineering program that may already be in its initial implementation phase.

Scientists at the Carnegie Institution are using taxpayer money to lay the groundwork for injecting the atmosphere with materials they believe will artificially cool the planet, in a bid to stave off what we are told is modern civilization's greatest threat to date, anthropogenic global warming.

Even if you buy into the as yet unproven theory that human produced carbon emissions are voluminous enough to significantly alter the planet's climate, you should still be extremely wary. Playing God with the atmosphere may have severe consequences, particularly given that the compounds these scientists are testing are known to cause debilitating health problems and could lead to massive droughts and famines.

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