If you're curious but hesitant about Spirituality - The Path Within #spiritualjourney

9 months ago

A spiritual path is not some hippie woo woo shit. However, it can easily be perceived this way if one has historically viewed anything of the sort as such. That is one of the most simple and easily digestible components of how the subconscious mind works. Whatever view points and ideas we clung to growing up become solidified as core belief structures. This shows itself in damn near all forms of conscious thought and physical movement.

For the majority of my life if I saw "Faith" in any wall art or bumper stickers I immediately perceived the individual as not intelligent. This was an unconscious reaction that was instilled in me as a way to maintain the validity in my unconscious resistance to spirituality. Unconscious self validation. A wall that I created in my early teens when religion was pressed on me in varying circles. Now the word faith has a completely different meaning to me.

For me, it has taken a LOT of self talk, meditation, coaching, reading, etc to reach a point where I have an unbridled belief in the divinity of the universe. Despite having solid evidence that it is all divine relatively early in the beginning of my research into how the universe and mind works.

One of the most compelling scientific discoveries for the "Spiritual Path" within is the recent Nobel Prize winners of 2022 that show the universe is not locally real. Meaning what we perceive to be real is in fact a projection from consciousness. And consciousness is the only thing that is fundamental. If nothing else, this should spark the curiosity in one seeking more happiness to maybe look into what the path within is all about.

10 or 20 years ago and further back any talk of this sort is immediately dismissed as hippie woo woo talk. But today, modern physics is connecting quite seamlessly to what the majority of ancient scripture and religious texts have said throughout all of recorded history. (Not the dogmatic parts, I am meaning the meat of the teachings around consciousness - worded in different ways depending on the text)

It can be challenging to put the beautiful fruits of the path within into words but this is one such attempt to do so. Lord knows I'll continue to create content similar to this as long as I am breathing, can press record and have access to the internet. (Granted the majority of my content these days is on Spotify, Tik Tok and Instagram)......(There will be more frequent uploads here at some point in the near now).

If you want to dive deeper into the Nobel Prize information, here is one article - https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-universe-is-not-locally-real-and-the-physics-nobel-prize-winners-proved-it/
If you want to learn more about my coaching or schedule a discovery call - https://www.stillemind.com/discovery
If you want to check out my podcast - https://open.spotify.com/show/21Lg2BdXUJOEzmj3M9s5C0

Thank you for your love! #spiritualjourney #unconsciousmind #selfcare

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