Star Trek Starfleet Ship Designs I Like vs Don't Like

1 year ago

In addition to loving video games, I've been a Sci-Fi fan for almost all my life. I started watching Star Wars when I was very young, and enjoyed the Star Trek Movies. When Star Trek: The Next Generation came around I fell in love all over again. Based off some recent conversations on Twitter, I thought it would be fun to share some of the Star Trek Starfleet Ship Designs I like Vs ones I don't like.

NX-01 Enterprise
I think this is a beautifully classic design, and it shows the military background of Starfleet. I liked the fact that the ship felt like a submarine, much more simple and basic in its design. Compared to other ships we would see, this made a ton of sense for the era.

Excelsior Class
I don't know why but the Excelsior class has just never struck a cord with me. I don't think it did with the designers either as it was constantly being revised and changed. Look at the bridge from Wrath of Khan to Undiscovered Country, it's totally different. And don't get me started on the Enterprise-B.

Sovereign Class
Best known as the class of the Enterprise-E, this was one bad ship. It had the capability to take on AND DEFEAT the Borg, featured Quantum Torpedoes, and was the first time we ever saw the Captain's Yacht used. This is one of my favorite designs.

Galaxy Class
While I thought it was neat it returned in Season 3 of Picard, I was never the biggest fan of the Galaxy Class. I think it just felt off, it had way too much-wasted space overall and was not an efficient design.

Intrepid Class
The Voyager's design didn't make a lot of sense to me. The whole pivoting nacelles, what was up with that? I also think the bio-neural gel packs were a dumb idea, and what was up with the never-ending supply of shuttlecraft? But without the Intrepid class would the Sovereign class look as it does?

Nebula Class
The Next Gen version of the Miranda, I did like the Nebula Class. I thought this was a tough-looking ship and eliminated the "hotel in space" Design of the Galaxy Class. I would have liked it if this had been the Enterprise D!

Constitution Class
I don't care if it's the original, the Refit or the JJ Verse version, I don't have the love for the Constitution class others do. When you hear that the original design was upside down from what we came to know, it makes sense that this was not the best it could have been.

Defiant Class
What @LoreReloaded once christened the "USS Pimphand", the USS Defiant on DS9 is one of my favorite ship designs of any sci-fi anywhere. This ship was designed for one thing, to win wars, and with the best captain in all of Star Trek, Benjamin Sisko, she was key to winning the Dominion War. I love so much about this ship, and smile every time it is on screen.

What do you think about these rankings? Did your favorite make the cut? Let me know in the comments!

#shortsexcellence #StarTrek #BestShips #TNG #DS9 #VOY #FYP #Enterprise #Voyager #Defiant

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