1 year ago

This beautiful, heroic woman is Michelle "Miki" Klann from Scottsdale, Arizona.

Our Republic was stolen from us in 1871. We have an illusion of Freedom, an illusion of a voting system, an illusion of a legal system and an illusion of a government.

The school boards were practicing medicine without a license by mandating vaccines and facemasks. One way to make sure schools follow the rules are to go after their bonds.

A FOIA requesting school bond information can be sent to the school board.

Schools hold surety bonds that protect the public from fraud and malpractice. When a bondholder breaks a bond’s terms, the harmed party can make a claim on the bond to recover losses.

Some bonds say that they are reliable for $$$ Millions per claim, so if you have 10 people making violation claims, that is a potential loss of $10 million for the school. Money does the real talking.

You can first begin with a Letter of Intent. You can say if you don't drop the mask and vaccine bullshit, I will file a claim against your surety bond. This is exactly what Michelle Klann did and they dropped the mandatory mask b.s. within 7 days.

The state government has these surety bonds also and some are Blanket Bonds which cover the whole state and once there were intents to file claims, the Biden administration dropped the mandatory masks.

When they are breaking the laws and overstepping authority thinking they can get away, go after their bonds.

They can NOT enforce EXPERIMENTAL Medical Vaccines or any experimental treatments.

The real law has been hidden from us and we no longer even have it.

LAW - Land, Air and Water.

3 Types of Law:

1. Law of the Land – which is Common Law - Trial by Peers. We no longer have common law courts.

2. Trust Law – Air – Gods Law – The Law of Commerce. This is what the Rothschild’s use and this has been hidden from us.

3. Maritime Law – Water – Admiralty Law. Contract Law. This is political law. It is Corporate Law. The law that corporations use. If you create the corporation you control the bylaws of the corporation. A corporation can only do business with another corporation under Contract Law.

They had to turn us into corporations to do business with us, to contract with us.

1871 – How was our Country taken over??

The United States is one of the only countries that ever had freedom when our Forefathers signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776.

We really only had true freedom for around 7 years as we entered a Debt Agreement with Great Britain and France. The entirety of the debt was due in 7 years.

All hell broke loose at the end of this 7year period.

In 1776, when the Republic was set up, it was structured as a Trust. At the time the states had formed a Union but they also had formed their own Sovereign Nations.

There were 35 states that had formed their own republics.

In a Trust you have 3 Parties:

1. An Executor

2. A Trustee

3. A Beneficiary.

Texas, for example was a sovereign nation and part of the Union and Republic with a structured Trust. At this time, the Governor was the executor – the manager, the one who carries out the trust, makes sure everything runs fair and smooth. The public elected servants were the Trustees. They were to serve the people who elected them. The people were the Beneficiary of the Trust. If a Trustee operates out of line of the Trust, we the people can remove them.

The Rules and Guidelines of a Trust are called an Indenture which is an agreement in a bond contract made between a bond issuer and a trustee that represents the bondholder's interests by highlighting the rules and responsibilities that each party must adhere to. It may also indicate where the income stream for the bond is derived from.

The Trust Indenture was called our Constitution. Every state had their own Constitution and there was also a National Constitution.

It was structured this way to have Autonomy from the Union.

They needed this in case of a Domestic Invasion (sound familiar lately) OR a Foreign Invasion.

They operated under Common Law which was trial by a jury of peers.

There were Peace Officers not Policy Enforces or Police Officers.

This system worked very well until 1871.

Then the Bankers (Script Writers) who fund both sides of Wars began their efforts to take over.

The good, honest Senators, Representatives and Governors were forced to vacate their positions and replaced with Corporate Politicians. So began the coup of the Republic and the transformation into a Corporation.

This was the grand heist, the heist of all heists.

Now the elite bankers were the Executors of the Trust. All politicians from this point were Corporate Officers, paid corporate policy enforces who do not represent the people as we think as the people were converted to individual corporations and could be used for debt collateral.

The Cabal took our rightful place of Beneficiary of the Trust.

These Corporate Officials we call Senators, Representatives, Governors and Presidents work for the Corporation and make laws for the corporation. They don’t inform us that we are chattel or collateral for debts. They are Actors who act like they listen and have our best interests but they don’t, it’s an Illusion to keep us quietly corralled.

Legal = Fiction = Defacto = Fake

Lawful = True

They do this in a legal way.

We Choose to contract with them.

They modified the Constitution and it is in all Capital Letters which is the dead giveaway that it is written by the Corporation for the Corporation and no longer by the People for the People.

The Legal System and Courts are run by the corporation and they have no Jurisdiction over you. Jurisdiction deals with how Statutes apply to certain people and their situations and the authority to enforce these statutes.

Since we the people are no longer the beneficiaries of the trust we have No Vote. They would love to make us believe we do, but we don’t. They select who we “vote” for and it doesn’t matter who wins, they picked and groomed them for that particular corporate role.

We are operating under our legal fiction strawman name which is in all caps on our drivers license. When you go to court they see you as an individual corporation. When we attempt to claim we are Living Sovereign Beings they attack us from all directions to keep the masses under the spell. The corporation works in Lockstep to insure the illusion.

These are British Corporations. The British are the ones who planned the 1871 Corporate Coup. They took over the United States.

They operate with the illusion we are free and have the original constitution.

Once we contract with them, such as register to vote we are consenting to their jurisdiction.

Once we become aware and knowledgeable of what really is going on we can work to restore the republic.

In 1861, President Lincoln understood Trust Law, became aware of what was going on and he created a Wrapper Trust. He took all 35 sovereign states and he wrapped them up so they became the beneficiaries of a public trust and he set it up where the executor was the Commander in Chief and the Military were the Executors. If they didn’t protect the trust indenture, which was the Gettysburg Address in 1863, the military was to step in to protect the trust and represent these 35 sovereign states in case of some type of invasion.

3 Main Pillars or Arms of the Cabal that are there own countries:

1. Wasington D.C. – Our military was the main arm (force) of the cabal.

2. London City – financial arm.

3. Vatican City – the religious, spiritual (black magic) and intelligence arm used to uphold the fraud.

We the people do not have jurisdiction over them and we have to live by the corporate bylaws, like the pharmaceutical legal murder – Big Pharma cannot be held liable for Vaccine Deaths.

Once you understand how the world works as a Single CORPORATION, those conspiracy theories don’t seem so far fetched.

The Declaration of Independence says that when we are invaded from within we need to abolish the government. But the government is a corporation. Many say that the Jesuit educated Trump is the savior who dissolved the corporation. I personally don’t believe that for a second as I believe he is that snake in the poem he read. I believe he is a deceptive snake, 100%. *I would love to be wrong but we may not ever know the real truth. I believe we are in a multidimensional spiritual war where the light is gradually overpowering the dark.

All the politicians are working for this cabal banking mafia and they may or may not know it. Those who don’t know will be manipulated by their peers. They are like a mafia family lying to each other constantly.

One way to see if this is true is to send a FOIA request to one of your representatives with the request for their Oath to Office and see how much is in all Caps and you can bet that is all fraud.

We were usurped to contract with the corporation. We were forced to go with the corporations plan and lockstep implementation of the Covid-19 Agenda to drop the flu, use a completely fraudulent PCR test for diagnosis to dramatically increase numbers and they used the corporate media to increase fear and push the non-tested, experimental DNA modifying mRNA Vaccines. It’s FRAUD people!

We are living in the wild, wild west being subjected to one experiment after another and they make bets on our outcomes.

They already deem us dead from our birth certificate contracts and they steal and bet with our Cestui Que Trust Bonds. Signing a birth certificate is signing your children to the gray pope.

We are nothing more than traded commodities to them.

All wars are won by capturing land and property. We are in a silent war right now the corporation is slowly engulfing it all.

We are unknowing participants in this grand illusion and contracting with the enemy which is consenting to their rules in this counterfeit rigged game.

The foundation of our country was destroyed back in 1871.

Watch these and read commentary to learn about the contracts:

DAVID LESTER STRAIGHT – WE ARE AT WAR WITH THE BAR - COMMON LAW - PART 1 OF 10 – https://rumble.com/v2bixg4-david-lester-straight-we-are-at-war-with-the-bar-common-law-part-1-of-10.html

SOURCE: OurGreatAwakening -- Michelle "Miki" Klann -- https://rumble.com/v3bgb82-operation-restore-the-republics.html


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