Qurrent Events & Kayos w/Gene

1 year ago

Qurrent Events & Kayos w/Gene

Gene Decode: Current events, Ukraine, BRICS, Russia, Maui, DEW's,Missing Children

Gene Decode is back for current updates, Co Sensei Gene is a 20+ year veteran of the U.S. Navy Submarine Fleet. He is a 40+ year Martial Arts Instructor (Sensei) as well as a lifelong student and practitioner of Naturopathic Medicine.

He has dedicated most of his life to the investigation and research of information pertaining to all things spiritual, health (physical, mental, and emotional), social, political, and metaphysical. He was born with skilled remote viewing and psychic abilities that have steered his life.

I think I want to start us out on a positive moment in history. Before I get started on current events.
Most of us remember this speech but do we remember it in the context of seven years later.

Do we remember this speech in the context of the 2020 Robbery, the J6 and the J6ers, bumbling, fumbling, stumbling Joe, the Afghanistan withdrawal, a FJB special speech with a black and red backdrop-announcing the hire of 87,000 new IRS Agents. Did i forget more Covid COVID Covid Jabs, pro ppl dying and Maui. There is so much more.
Before all of that, we had just elected DJT to Presidency. The press had given him only a 5% chance of winning.

And then this speech before a “large” on the Capitol Steps. What did it really mean.

The Inauguration speech of Donald J Trump the 45th President. January 21, 2017
Have Heard About
14 American cities who have betrayed their countryman, by signing an agreement with an international business consortium called the World Economic Forum. The WEF is an enemy of the American people and to the American constitution.

These cities, who are ruled by Satanic infiltrators, some were elected; by fraudulent means. Others were hired to fill out the rest of their political machine.

tHey create chaos, then a solution to be able to create an opportunity for grift and money laundering.

Before 1990s, there were homeless and homeless programs but mainly centered around Alcoholic Anonymous, a 60 day in house program. But very few programs that had a search for housing component.

In the early 1990s the ACLU won a case for people under the care of state operated facilities. The facilities were to exit all individuals from the housing facilities for the mentally ill and for the mentally insane. Low IQ along with individuals who could barely care for themselves.

Each person who had been under state care was bussed to a nearby major city. Dropped off on a street corner, in downtown, with a couple days of meditation. Then told where the Union Gospel Mission’s congregate meal is located and or The Salvation Army’s feeding program.

Then in 2002 under George W Bush through a Federal Initiative was the proposal of End Homelessness in 10 years. Billions of dollars began to flow into Blue states inner cities for housing programs, for providers who qualified and who would PLEDGE to End Homelessness in 10 years.

The care for the Homeless became big business with some real winners among social services providers with millions of dollars thrown at the problem.

Then in 2008 the housing market recession hit. Banks and big manufacturers got bailed out. Social services agencies heads left for greener pastures after about four or five years into The 10 Year Plan to End Homelessness.

Why? tHey all knew the program was going to be a failure but the money was good while it lasted.

And the number of homeless individuals got bigger and bigger until it spread into the streets, taking over under bridges.
Portland gave a homeless camp some city land. The homeless began building little communities made of tarps and pallets.
The fire department would visit the encampment at least once a week. The police were called nearly every day, threats with a deadly weapon.

Then derelict RVs parked on any street USA. What to do about the waste water

Because of the volatility of the Stock Market; faith based programs got squeezed by fewer and lower donations.
And the homeless problem grew exponentially because of the recession of 2008 through 2011.

From 2002 on banks were forced by Federal law to grant loans to every applicant who stated on paper they qualified for a loan. These loan documents were called-a non verification loan.
Everyone deserves the right to own their own home. Right?

Which caused the housing bubble in the aforementioned 2008 financial crash. Many of the Khazarian bankers and auto executives retired with golden parachutes on the taxpayers’ back-again.

Again we are being set up by these same communist social mechanics manipulating society once again by selling out their fellow citizens by condemning them to 15 Minute Prison Campuses.

The buzz about Lahaina is, it is designed to be the first of many 15 Minute Cities.

By now, you may have guessed, where are these cities?
Which cities condemned their fellow citizens to prison?
Which type of citizens have they condemned to death.

The American city council members who have signed an agreement with the WEF, is
•Los Angeles
•New Orleans
•New York City
•San Francisco
•Washington, D.C.
Media coverage of C40 Cities’ goals has been relatively sparse.
Check out the menu and the living conditions.

14 Cities Sign Agreement w/WEF

What happened in Lahaina will happen to each of the cities mentioned. The already burned out inner cities will be incinerated like Lahaina.

Burn the entire city to rubble and ash, then scoop it all up, to haul it away like yesterday’s trash.

What did Chairman Mao call it?
A Cultural Revolution.
DAVOS and the WEF call it a Great Reset.

Chinese Cultural Revolution

How many people died under Mao, 1949-1976
From 40 million to 120 million

WEF wants a cultural cleansing of living on the land. Every homeless person living on the street or in low income housing. Poof- homelessness gone, they are just a lower gradation of useless eaters.

The infrastructure for the new 15 Minute cities is just under the surface of major cities; unharmed!

Proudly to Build Back Better after the WEF burns the city and its belligerent citizens all the way to ground with Directed Energy Weapons.

Build Back Better

Of course there are other types of Directed Energy Weapons that can make a person feel anxious or physically sick. But we’ll not get into those types of DEWs today.

There will be no escaping this Hueman Housing Cage. Where Huemanity will be grown, tenderly cared for; pruned, and harvested for drugs, entertainment and food.

Plans to build a city outside of San Francisco

All the while the caged Huemans, who will live in these hive cities in the future will be drugged, entertained and fed an Earth sustainable diet. Bug particulates.

You will own nothing to be happy full of drugs and with mindless entertainment. Some people today live at this subsistence 2D level.

Sort of like today, the farmer plays classical music while he milks the cows.
In the feeding troughs cows are fed fermented sorghum. Then artificially impregnating them to keep them happily drunk and producing milk. Taking the calves as soon as they are born to raise them in “a bovine nursery.”

Oh yes, there are already proven husbandry methods of how to care for cows (sheep) in an enclosed environment.

Or like ball players statistics; who produced the most milk in a one year period of time.
Ewe get a Bovine Star ⭐️ yeah 🎉

I guess you may hear my distain for Baal Games.
At today’s Baal Games, in the stadium’s back rooms, the Satanic gay and lesbian perverse pedophiles make their sexual sacrifices of little boys and girls. All While The Game Is On.
Hurrah for our side.

This is the abomination, the SIN of our day.
In every city, in every country, the arrest and the trial of the traffickers, traitors and pedophiles is underway.

We may even see a few White Hats falsely arrested and some White Hats who were infiltrated and were secret pedos.

When President Trump quoted the Bible verses in Job 37. It was to let everyone know the Storm is here.
More about that later.

It is the beginning of the End for the traitors, the traffickers, the tricksters.
It is the End of an Era of the charmed life of the elite.
The End of the grunt who manhandles and cages the heard of trafficked Huemans.

Read about the rescue of trafficked victims and the arrest of trafficking pedophile perpetrators.
The Storm of coordinated arrests is happening NOW every day around the world.
Start on any day. This Telegram channel is updated at least once a day.
Q the Storm Rider
It’s Happening
Below is a link and a sentence heading for each page.

Everything is COMING into a full blown EXPOSURE...red October//September DECLAS


IMF. FAKE federal reserve, wall street

☝️ Please support our channel as we risk our lives across the world helping in the Great Awakening to bring important information to hundreds in countries....

Please consider a strong donation to U.S. Patriots across the world as us who have been fighting against the deep state long before the pandemic and warned people of all EVENTS that are now here

United States under Military Control<

This important COMMS are for 3 reasons.

U.S. activating new EBS ALART SYSTEM PROTOCOLS and testing for coming EVENT

Moody Blues
A Stoic’s View
Of Exciting News
Dear Diary

I took the narrow way
Matthew 7:13-14

I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

The Road Not Taken
By Robert Frost
Press the Red Button
The Poem Will Be Read
I did not hear one political pundit discuss this next Telegram posting

Donald Trump Live Telegram
Repeated here

“After it, a voice roars;
He thunders with His majestic voice,
And He does not restrain the lightnings when His voice is heard.

“God thunders with His voice wondrously,
Doing great things which we cannot comprehend.

Soon you will see. You will understand

Depending on which version DJT is using; what he wrote sounds suspiciously like Job 37.

Job 37

Job 37:1-5
Amplified Bible
Heading to chapter
Elihu Says God has Authority over the Storm

1 Indeed, at His thundering my heart trembles
And leaps out of its place.

2 Listen carefully to the thunder of His voice,
And the rumbling that goes out of His mouth!

3 “He lets it loose under the whole heaven,
And His lightning to the ends of the earth.

4 “After it, His voice roars;
He thunders with the voice of His majesty,
And He does not restrain His lightning [against His adversaries] when His voice is heard.

5 “God thunders marvelously with His voice;
He does great things which we cannot comprehend.
The Lion has been let loose.
And In Another Momentous Moment in the life of DJT
Great Script
The Truth of the Old Wretched System of graft and sexual perversion will come to Light. Whether you want to see it or not.
The perverse and the traitors are unmasked.
A Shit Storm Is Coming
Five Times August
"God Help Us All"
George Harrison
My Sweet Lord
I know he’s not singing about Jesus, but I like the sentiment.
Psalm 46
Especially Psalm 46:1-7

We are one nation, among many nations, in the middle great change, a great metamorphosis with many challenges.
As we look forward with chagrin and exhilaration all in one breath. The changes that will occur within us will be staggering.

Vs 2
Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change
And though the mountains be shaken and slip into the heart of the seas,

Even so follow the upward pull
You can plan, by setting aside food, medication, and portable water for the tough times ahead. If you have fire arms, enough ammunition for a small army. Food for the livestock, and for the household pets too.

At least try to learn how to use your weapon

I’m hearing a three week lag between the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) and when military support services may be available. If the reports say three weeks I would plan for six weeks.

We have only one hope. That is our Faith and Hope in God. We are strong, but may be multiplied in strength with multiple people at our side. If they all have a common faith in God and a common purpose.
Where does my help come from ?

Psalm 121:2
Amplified Bible
2 My help comes from the Lord,
Who made heaven and earth

It is when we band together in unity, in Jesus Name, that God promised to be in our midst.

I have learned, that is the hour when God can do for us what we cannot do for ourselves.

I know it sounds as if I am speaking out of both sides of my mouth. We become workers together with God.

Many people think, this next verse, it is specifically about prayer. I say this should be used in all endeavors. Working together in unity in Jesus Name.

Matthew 18:20

I have learned to sense God’s Spirit within the group, when there is unity among the brethren.
When there is a special calmness in the room, especially when the participants are quiet.
At other times I’ve heard him in the lauding of praise.

Please excuse the personal illustrations. The church we were attending, at that time, had a vision to build a log cabin church. I had worked on different phases from its inception, to raising the first $10,000 to working on the construction.

It came time to cut the parking lot. I happened to be working for a road construction company, Jensen Sand and Gravel out of Enumclaw Washington.
I found an opportunity to talk to the owner. His name is “Black” Bart Jensen cause he always looked as though he had a dark cloud hanging over him.

I asked if I could rent their D6 bulldozer for just one day, to cut my church’s parking lot.
He said his was rented out but he could arrange for us to rent a John Deere 750 a slightly larger dozer than the D6.

He arrange for the pick up of the dozer from a John Deere dealership in Tacoma. Now keep in mind I’m using his dump truck and equipment trailer. I picked up, the dozer early Saturday morning and returned it before 5 o’clock that same day.

On Monday morning, it was a downpour, which is very normal anytime of the year in Western Washington. No work today.

I asked Black Bart how much we owed him for the use of the truck, trailer and the equipment rental.
He replied. Not a thing, not a god damn thing!
I don’t believe I had ever seen him with such a big grin on his face.
I think he felt God was in the project too.

1 Corinthians 1:10

A time in our American history is the morning an amateur poet looking out at Fort McHenry after a night of more than 1500 cannonballs had been lobbed from ship to shore.

In the early morning hours of August 14, 1814 a young Francis Scott Key looked out across the bay to see if the British flag, flew over the fort. It would mean the British had taken the Fort McHenry and would soon be overrun Baltimore; as they had done in Washington the Capital.

But the American flag still blew in the brisk breeze.

Picture of Star Spangled Banner

The Story Behind The Song

Whitney Houston
Star Spangled Banner
The war between good and evil has always been the same.

The characters are always the same type of persons.
Time has changed the landscape in which this current war is being fought.

We have been to this juncture before in history. All we seem to do is to whip them into a retreating position but we never seem to beat them once and for all.

This time tHey must be eradicated from our Earthly midst.
And so it shall be.

Matthew 13:24-13
Who are the Good Seed and who are the Weeds?
Attributes of Good and Evil
Is The Lord of the Rings a "Christian Book?"
The Mark Of The Beast
This Is What tHey Want To Do To Americans – Quarantine – Travel PCR Tests
Little Chinese Everywhere
See it for what it is: fear mongering. They want us divided and fearful so they can control us. WE WILL NOT COMPLY!
President Donald J Trump
I will Not Comply
Blind Joe
0 02.43
Grieving over a Nation Lost
I don’t want to be that guy, who says. “It was my watch and I lost America.”
Not On My Watch !!
New US Coinage Is Here
Waiting for our Arrival
When the 'water breaks' - a new race will birth within humanity and from beneath.

$50. Dollar Bill
A Graphic Illustration

The Satanic Mystery Under Hoover Dam

Two Videos
Involving a $50 Note
Hoover Dam

What did I write but just last week?
Sometimes I write with no foreknowledge, but intuitively.

“Watch The Water
Before a birth
Water breaks
Analogy of a new birth
Water breaks
As though
Water has broken through
New Life Is Imminent”

Sometimes I get an answer before I get a question; odd huh?
Of Monsters And Men –
Thousand Eyes.mp3
Ontology In Review
Remember this video, when the WHO begins to send fear messages about the next PlanDemiC

If you have school aged children.
Know what your children are being taught in school and in society.
It will explain the how and why of the Transgender Agenda and what you can do to protect your (grand-) children against it.

With you purchase you support my work for the children!

Click here to go directly to the E-book: https://www.fallcabal.com/product/e-book-indoctrination-of-children-and-the-transgender-agenda/
If you have given any thought to standing UP. Do it NOW.

Are you tired of the lies? Does it feel like nothing is being done to protect us?

Benjamin Fulford
No One Panic
When Its Habb’n
You Will Know More Than Yur
Fam or Frens – Fill’em In
Let Stoics Reign

I’m looking forward to a Life Changing Near Death Experience!
It’s always in the description box
Ruthie Foster
Death Came Knocking On My
Fear not, little flock, it is the Fathers good pleasure to give you the kingdom.
Time Will End But For One Brief Moment

My other name is Papillon

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