Ep 3.3 Dead Sea Scrolls: Paul Is Theater Set Designer likely at Herod's Theater in Jerusalem.

9 months ago

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Go to this link to find Bible hub lexicon that words in Acts 13:1 in Greek say Manaen was a "childhood friend of Herod the Tetrach" (aka Antipas) and "Paul."

Here is the wikipedia article on the Bauer Lexicon: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bauer%27s_Lexicon

Here is the link to Bauer's Lexicon 1957 with the search on "theatrical" revealing the full quote found elsewhere in a scholarly article:

Here is the link to the Biet & Trau book What is Theater - landing on the page defining skenopoios:


Paul teaches contrary to the apostolic doctrine not to obey governing authorities (Sanhedrin in context) but to obey God. The 12's teaching is Acts 5:29. See https://biblehub.com/acts/5-29.htm For this verse in Greek interlinear, see this url: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Acts+5%3A26-29&version=MOUNCE

Mars Hill speech of Paul says God does not dwell in Temples made of Human Hands, recorded in Acts 17l. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Acts+17%3A22-24&version=KJV

This is 54 AD approximately when YHWH dwelled in a temple made of human hands at Jerusalem.

Here is the article I found on Herod's Theater: https://bible-history.com/sketches/herods-theater

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