Ladies of Another View-09.05.2023

9 months ago

On this episode of "Ladies of Another View," we're delving deep into the heart of America's foundation. We'll start with John Dyslin, the author of "Nehemiah Strong: Life-Sustaining Essentials for a Season of Trial." John will walk us through his insights on how to navigate life's most challenging seasons, taking inspiration from history and timeless truths.

Next, we're honored to host Jim Kasper in our studio. As the dedicated District 46 Republican representative from Southeast Fargo, Jim brings to the table his vast experience and deep understanding of the issues facing his constituents.

Now, let's talk about something foundational – Article 5 of our Constitution. Our wise founders, deeply apprehensive of a domineering central government, integrated safeguards within the Constitution to protect the liberties and rights of the American people. Article 5 provides not just one, but two distinct methods for amending the Constitution. First, it grants Congress the power to propose amendments. Should both the House and Senate agree, that proposed amendment is then sent to all states for approval. The high bar of 38 state legislatures must be cleared for ratification.

However, there's a second, often overlooked, power vested in our republic's states. If 34 state legislatures pass a near-identical resolution, a convention of the states is convened. During this gathering, representatives from all states debate potential amendments. It requires the consent of 26 state legislatures to propose a new amendment. This mechanism emphasizes the federalist foundation of our nation: the states coming together to form the government, not the other way around.

So, join us as we navigate these intricate topics, always keeping in mind the views and values that bind us together as a nation.



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