ENTIRE WOOLLY MAMMOTH exposed by flood at the Boneyard Alaska

1 year ago

On August 3, 2020 on our private patented mining claim in Fairbanks, Alaska a flood revealed an entire woolly mammoth skeleton including both woolly mammoth tusks, upper and lower jaw bones with the molars still in it, leg bones, toe bones, etc.

Several other Ice Age animal remains were found on this day and are still coming out of the permafrost including steppe bison, caribou, horse, and many more.

This site is unique in the world and we are solely focused on collecting bones even though this site sits on ounces of proven gold. The Boneyard Alaska has been producing Ice Age bones for the past 15 years and thousands of bones have been collected during that time.

Our family owns this property and is not interested in selling any of the bones. This site is purely a product of our family's passion for finding Ice Age bones. For now we are collecting them. The bones have not only a monetary value but scientific value that could help with understanding the extinction event of the Ice Age megafauna.

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