Unmasked: Dr Jim Meehan

1 year ago

Dr Jim Meehan is a medical doctor and leading eye surgeon. He recognised early in his career that the culture of "a pill for every ill" was causing an epidemic of chronic disease. He also recognised very early in the covid so-called 'pandemic', that something bad was a-foot. He wrote an evidence based analysis of why masks are ineffective, unnecessary and harmful: Why Wearing a Mask Makes Healthy People Sick.
Read the analysis here:

This interview from 2021 will form part of a documentary called UNMASKED, which intends to reveal the geopolitical issues unmasked by the covid pandemic, including economic, political, health and historical factors. Dr Meehan articulately weaves authentic public health with what has gone wrong during the covid pandemic. This is one of the best interviews I've ever seen.

Even though this is two years old, it remains highly relevant information. Next time the criminals running the show tell you to mask-up, take their pharmaceutical products, stay at home, become a walking QR code, close your business, obstruct your child's education, and that if you don't follow orders you'll kill your grandmother, remember Dr Meehan's information and refuse to comply.

SOURCE: https://rumble.com/vhf4jx-unmasked-dr-jim-meehan-interview-full-length.html

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