momma's child

1 year ago
There's something about a narcissist, you are darned if you do, and darned if you don't. What is behind their devalue and discard? It has everything to do with their mommas.

Narcissist's treat you exactly as how they felt they were treated by their mothers. That is because you are the replacement. The reason why the narcissist treats you horribly is because they WANT you to react; THEY NEED you to react and even if you do not respond as how they assume you will; they still have you judged, because NOTHING will change the way as how they see you.
THEY KNOW you are just like their mom and they will make you pay... because it might even feel good to them because pain and suffering is all they have ever known...

Here's a little secret: STOP Caring for the narcissist after they discard you because THEY WANT YOU TO COME BACK... just like a mom will open the door to their child's room after they have been punished and ask ' Hey we are going out for ice cream, you want to come along?' The narcissist takes you back, only to rinse and repeat. YOU are not their love interest. They are holding a life long grudge against their mother and through you they will make her pay, and they will make you pay too because you are a female who is a mother. ( Ever wonder why many narcissists seek out attention from divorced women who have children? OOOOH SNAP! )

#motherwound #motherhood #narcissistsandmothers #narcissism #NPD #toxic #family #selfhealing #selfhelp #selflove

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