were .751" bore, 11 gauge shot gun .835" Rim, .79" base, & .782" mouth, chambered like a 13 gauge

1 year ago

or was page 402 & 403 in chapter 11, of the cartridges of the world 1997 8th Edition wrong ?!

most firearm barrels have 2 main measurements, the largest or base diameter of the cartridge chamber & the average or most consistent inner diameter throughout the majority of its length measured as millimeters, thousandths of an inch, & or hundredths of an inch as caliber & least accurately the largest diameter of a lead sphere in whole number fraction of a pounds that will fit as gauge or bore number

1850 centerfire primers were first developed in France

1869 1874 11-gauge shot guns, & 1890 11 bore rifles chambered as .835" Rim,
.79" base & .782" mouth, up to a 2.5" depth for the shell length, closer to a 13
gauge made for .71" cal but firing through a true 11 gauge .751" bore diameter

1898 German Brenneke Rifled slugs were introduced

1900's shotguns came in up to 167 caliber or 1 gauge
14 - 36 gauge for small game etc @ 25 yards?
12 to 16 gauge rounds for deer-size game @ 100 yard range = 6" group
04 to 10 "BORE" / gauge rounds for Africa & India danger game @ 50 yard range

In most instances gun "bores" larger than .835" or 8-gauge were misnamed as 4 gauge stamped shells with used in .976" to .919" bore 5 to 6-gauge guns & any Shotgun larger than 4-gauge was usually a for profit hunting punt gun

1913 before WW1 7000 different factory loads were available
1918 USA law prohibited 8-gauge .835" or larger shotguns for water fowel hunts
1920 after WW1 the variety of loads drastically reduced
1936 Americas Foster slug, was introduced
1941 factory 4 to 10 gauge Round ball dangerous game loads were discontinued
1960 plastic shells had been introduced
1996 200 factory loads were available only up to 10-gauge USA & 8-gauge EU

10 = .775" .845" .861" .933"
11 = .751" .782" .790" .835" ?!! WTF!
12 = .729" .797" .809" .886"
13 = .710" .???" .???" .???" ?
14 = .693" .763" .775" .847"


= other citations archived due to youtube link bot & censor flag threats

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