Romans: The Next Wave - Chapter 9

10 months ago

We didn't get very far on the study of Romans 9, but a lot was discussed about the requirement of each person to submit themselves to an authority higher than their own soul, what it means to train the body to obey, and what it means when God's Way gets glorified and the sinful nature gets shut down by the Glory of God.


Message notes:

According to the way in which God designed = truth, I am speaking. My conscience is speaking with Holy Spirit as a testimony of my heavy grief that consumes me without any end or break. I pray to God that my life would be doomed to hell forever so that my countrymen would know Jesus as Messiah. But not just know Him as Messiah, but also as their Father; to see Him as the Covenant-Maker and the giving of the Mosaic code. He did this as a service, a ministry of promise of a good thing coming. (vv 1-4)

Adoption = huiothesia = hui-o (wee-OS) + laying down a word into Christ
Give law = nomothesia = nomo + laying down a word into law

IF what is coming through life is from a world where the kingdom of darkness has first dibs on life because Satan is ruler of the earth.

IF what is coming through life is from a world of negativity and you're being affected by the world of negativity, THIS MEANS that your life is ruled by the sin nature in the soul and the soul still looks like its former masters. IF YOUR SOUL STILL LOOKS LIKE YOUR FORMER MASTERS, then those former masters still have chains attached to your soul and have full legal right (by the laws of the spiritual realm) to pull you backwards/away from the progress of being IN CHRIST.

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