Society Will COLLAPSE Without God - The Question Is: WHEN? (Censored on Australian TV)

1 year ago

Get your FREE DVD: "A Culture in Crisis"
This DVD has three programs explaining the troubles our society is facing and what you can do about it.

The world is at a crossroads. Some predict we have only decades to go before society falls to pieces. They say environmental disasters, depletion of resources, and economic inequalities may lead to the end of civilization. In an article for the BBC website, Rachel Nuwer noted, “It should come as no surprise that humanity is currently on an unsustainable and uncertain path – but just how close are we to reaching the point of no return?” (Rachel Nuwer, “How Western civilization could collapse,”, April, 14, 2018).

That’s a good question. Truly, world conditions are more precarious than they’ve been for decades. Consider the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists who on January 24, 2019 which assessed the world’s nearness to nuclear Armageddon as only “two minutes to midnight” (“Doomsday Clock frozen at two minutes to apocalypse,”, January 24, 2019).

We should be concerned about the future. And we are all in the same boat. We all live on this planet and if calamity comes, it’s going to affect all of us.

Will civilization collapse? Is there really a source we can turn to really know?

And how have we gotten here in the first place? Why are we even talking about something as horrifying as societal collapse?

We’ll examine these questions today on Tomorrow’s World. And we’ll be offering a free DVD entitled, “A Culture in Crisis,” later in the program. so get ready to write down this information! You won’t want to miss this DVD.

So, will civilization collapse? I’ll be right back with the answer.

Welcome to Tomorrow’s World. When it comes to daily life, everyone’s got an opinion about everything. And most are eager to share it. From what car to drive, to where we shop, to how we feel about the issues of the day. The people we’re around help form our opinions and perspectives about these things. So who do you listen to? Most likely, it’s family, friends and co-workers. Or maybe it’s celebrities or opinion-makers in the media. Or possibly successful people in business or government. But we all listen to people who influence how we think.

The problem is when we let others around us frame our thoughts on more important matters. On question like, will our civilization collapse? This question is far too important to just entrust to the opinion of a best friend or a radio talk show host.

No, we really must look elsewhere… and there really is only one source that speaks with authority about the future. It’s the Bible. You can trust the Bible. It’s full of prophecies that already happened. And it speaks of things yet to occur. So, what does the Bible say about what will happen in our day? Go get a Bible, and read along with me. We make no apology on Tomorrow’s World that we uphold and we live by the Holy Bible to the best of our ability. Let others insult the Bible and tear it apart. It doesn’t change the fact it’s God’s inspired word. And it always will be.

So what does the Bible say about our day? In Matthew chapter 24, Jesus Christ said some remarkable things to His disciples. They had asked Him, “What will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?” (Matthew 24:3). And then He described a number of things that would happen. Wars and rumors of wars. Famines and pestilence. Lawlessness and love growing cold. It sounds like civilization coming apart. And then He said in Matthew 24:21, “For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.”

Now stop for a moment and think about this. Some people look at prophecy as rants by crazy people and religious fanatics. But who is giving this warning? The Savior of all mankind. It’s a message straight from Jesus Christ, as preserved by His faithful disciples. And notice what He said next, in verse 22: “And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened” (Matthew 24:22).

Jesus said humanity is going to the very brink of utter destruction. Now think again: was it ever possible for man to wipe out all mankind, before the nuclear age? No way. That’s one of the proofs that we are living in the prophesied last days today. Because total annihilation is today possible. And as I said before, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists concluded we’re closer to that happening than we’ve been for decades.

Mankind will take the world to the edge of annihilation. Your Bible predicts that it will happen. But it will be stopped before all life is destroyed.

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