Is Scott Hahn Schismatic? - St. Michael Prayer After Mass?

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Date – Friday, September 1st 2023 – St. Fiacre

1. St. Fiacre was born at the beginning of the 7th century into an illustrious Irish family. The Scots affirm that he was the son of one of their kings who was raised with his brothers by St. Conon, Bishop of Iona.

2. As a young man, Fiacre left his parents and family to serve God in solitude. He went to France, seeking St. Faro, Bishop of Meaux, and asked him for a place where he could live a solitary life away from the world. The Bishop was filled with joy upon hearing this request.

3. He told Fiacre: “Not far from here is a forest that is my patrimony and that the people call Breuil. It is very quiet and isolated.” The two saints traveled there together and chose a place for Fiacre, and the Bishop gave him everything he needed.

4. St. Fiacre cleared the woods, built a chapel in honor of the Holy Virgin, and also a house beside it where he lived and received guests. Later he built a small hospital where he would administer to the sick and the poor, and many times he cured them by virtue of his prayers.

5. He never allowed women to enter his hermitage. This was an inviolable tradition in the Irish monasteries. He extended the restriction to include the chapel and applied this rule as long as he lived. Still today, out of respect for his memory, women do not enter either his hermitage or the chapel where he was buried. Even Anne of Austria, the Queen of France, who made a pilgrimage to the shrine in thanksgiving for a favor received, remained outside the door of his chapel.

6. The Scots recount that around this time the throne of Scotland became vacant, and deputies of that country traveled to Breuil to ask St. Fiacre to return and be crowned king. He humbly but firmly refused.

7. St. Fiacre refusing the offer to be crowned king.

8. The saint died on August 30, 670, and was buried in the chapel he had built. Countless miracles followed his death and made the name of Fiacre famous. In France, gardeners honor him as their patron saint. For, in fact, by praying in his chapel and working in his garden, St. Fiacre earned a throne in Heaven. His feast day is commemorated on September 1st.

9. Prof. Plinio's comments on St. Fiacre's life, including reflections on his decisions to refuse the throne and the beauty of fidelity, as well as the transformation of the forest of Breuil and St. Fiacre's impact on the region through his actions.

10. Reflections on the veneration of St. Fiacre throughout France, his patronage of gardeners and cab drivers, and the significance of the lives of saints in history, along with the hope for a new Christendom.

St. Fiacre, pray for us!

INTRO – Happy Friday

Howdy to Catholic Spirit Radio

When someone uses the OH MY GOD statement. I say Praise be His Holy Name. I dare you to say it.

And – at 15 past the hour, St. Michael Prayer after mass?

Also – at 30 past the hour, IS SCOTT HAHN SCHISMATIC??? Eric Sammons in defense of Scott Hahn and Bishop Strickland

Oh Yeah – at 45 past the hour,

Plus – in the next hour, Dave Palmer

As always – we have the fear and trembling game show with a prize from

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