Saudi Arabia National Day Preparations πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡¦ | Abayas, Traditional Dresses & New Collection

1 year ago

In this video I have shown Some preparations for Saudi national day.In this video, we'll be taking a look at preparations for Saudi Arabia's national day. From Abayas to Traditional Dresses, we'll be showcasing some of the best new collections to come out in celebration of this special day.

Saudi Arabia's National Day is coming up soon and we wanted to share some of the preparations that are happening in the Kingdom. From Abayas to Traditional Dresses, we'll be showcasing some of the best new collections to come out in celebration of this special day. So tune in to see all the amazing new collections and have a look at what's in store for Saudi Arabia's National Day!You will see abayas traditional Saudi Arabia dresses.Saudi National Day will be celebrated on 23 SEP.I will upload the vlog of celebrations stay Tuned & subscribe to my channel and press the bell icon so will never miss a video whenever I will upload.Saudi National Day is celebrated annually on September 23. It marks the 1932 decree, issued by King Abdulaziz, which renamed the Kingdom of Najd and the Hejaz as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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