Why victims stay

10 months ago

You never think you will be the kind of person to go through someone's phone... Until you're gaslit and manipulated by a narcissist. Sometimes desperate situations create desperate measures. It doesn't make it ok. But I understand it because I've been there. If you know, you know. If you think you STILL wouldn't do it or you were abused and cheated on and still didn't do it, you aren't a "better victim" than those who've done this. Narcissistic abuse makes you an unrecognizable version of yourself.

🟩 Stronger Than Before Website:https://strongerthanbefore.ca/

🟩 Trauma Bond Recovery Series:https://strongerthanbefore.ca/trauma-bond-recovery

🟩 Book a Breakthrough Session with me:https://strongerthanbefore.ca/book-a-session

🟩 Surviving To Thriving: A Six-Step Blueprint to Narcissistic Abuse Healing and Recovery:

🟩 Narcissism Unmasked: A Survivor's Handbook of the Common Narcissistic Abuse Tactics:

#trustissues #cheater #narcissism #narcissist #traumabond #powerandcontrol #abuse #covertabuse #justleave #victimshaming

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