Shalom Family, unite as one, God will equally unite , answer prayers, stay ready on 🔥 fire

1 year ago

Shalom family, Lord led me to share and know that body of christ is a family we should ❤️ love , trim our lamps and on fire through our storms we face, acts 28 2-9, be united as one philippians 2  encourages us.

God is answering prayers, especially ones who praying for an ordained partner and who will help you fulfill the destiny God is preparing for you, child of God.

we Need to be up right not fallen away.  over come out struggles of sins that can keep us away from God, can't serve two masters.

our Beloved Jesus is who we must have top priority and always receive his council

Lord is encouraging for flock to be felt appreciated is their success in christ , no, can't have idol nor other gods, yet God sees his flock needing to be felt cared for, loving one another, caring for one another up lifting one another leading them right towards our beloved Jesus Christ.

miracle happening everywhere,  there is power in Jesus Name.  family on Oklahoma have been saved,  Russell wonder and his wife got saved, wife got healed, she was not feeling well due to lung cancer , God working with them, through a vessle of christ named Nathan.  more vessles of christ are also on travel journey for his will to get done in many ways, God does have alot to get done he never get void.

God bless you family, thank you for following me I pray what God does thru me is a blessing for you, do what God gave you and shine bright he helps to defeat our adversaries.

laydown light,  be a light on a hill, let go and hold on to Jesus Christ

shalom, see you in heaven.

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