TTLR EP499: TL Nuggets #124 - Cooks Vs. Chefs - Featuring Theresa Dugwell

10 months ago

Drawing inspiration from a Starbucks experience, Theresa Dugwell shares a tale that encapsulates the essence of adopting a "Masterpiece Mentality." She highlights the subtle yet impactful distinction between a cook's expert execution and a chef's innovative thought leadership. The chef mindset transcends transactional interactions, infusing them with depth and authenticity.
Theresa Dugwell, a world record holder and distinguished coach with over 12,000 hours of top-level coaching alongside Tony Robbins, lends her remarkable insights to this conversation. Her impressive track record can be explored further through her LinkedIn profile: Theresa Dugwell on LinkedIn.

For those interested in exploring her achievements, she is also featured on the Athlete's Mind Success Stories page. Theresa's journey serves as a testament to the transformative power of adopting a "Chef Mentality," an approach that sets thought leaders apart from mere experts.

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