You Won't Stumble (Original Christian Song: Robin Calamaio)

10 months ago

Much trouble ... we bring upon ourselves. God informed Israel at one point they were "against your help" ... Him. So, how can we learn in real time - and in a practical way - how to stop sabotaging our own well being? Listen, learn, live. Let Him prove Himself to you.

WHO: Music: Robin Calamaio. Verse Lyrics: Bible. Chorus: me.
WHAT: Standard Tuning, Acoustic 12 string guitar.
WHEN: Originally Feb 27, 1983. Edited some in Aug 2023.
WHERE: Clayton Manor Apts in Fort Lauderdale, FL.
WHY: My guess is I hit on the chorus first. I wish I had left myself some notes on all my songs :( But, I have always spent time in the wisdom books (Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes) because when it comes to foolish behaviors, I classify myself as a "stupid" sinner. Some are much "wiser" in their sin choices (may even extend their lives), but not me. I would have exited a long time ago. Extremely stupid sinner. Extremely. I am not being dramatic here. I was really stupid.
I needed God's wisdom in practical ways as well as spiritual. Nothing has changed in that need. Left to own devices, I will degenerate in stupid ways. Good grief. So I thank Him. This song is part of that acknowledgement.

Garage Band Software
Vocals: All natural.
Guitar: Natural Stereo.

Title: Gravity - Baskerville Bold
Music & Lyrics Credits: Prism - Baskerville Bold
Song Lyrics: Some Centered, Some Lowered - Gil Sans Bold.

Photo 1: Hoosier Pass, Colorado Rockies July 2023. Getting on the path.
Photo 2: Me on the path. This was already near the top.
Photo 3: Daughter Claire and Son-in-law Garrett - my hiking buddies
Photo 4: Top of world - CO Rockies. Well above timberline.
Photo 5: The path
Photo 6: Me on it. 12,200+ feet
Photo 7: This was a steep incline on way back down. No stumbling. walked sideways!
Photo 8:A view on the way up
Photo 9: Three of us on journey up.
Photo 10: Who doesn't take selfies?
Photo 11: On the way up - looking down on a lake.
Photo 12:Me and Garrett. He often does want my take on things.
Photo 13: Scene on way up.
Photo 14: Tough - and beautiful little flowers. That's how God wants us to be.
Photo 15: Nearing top!
Photo 16: Along the way
Photo 17: Starting down.
Photo 18: On the way up and that lake below.
Photo 19:Claire & Garrett. Two young people following hard after Him. It is a pleasure to behold.
Photo 20: Garrett caught me and my photo taking.
Photo 21: Three of us - Listen!
Photo 22: Great scene
Photo 23: Heading down
Photo 24: Another view on path.
Photo 25: Stunning view. He knows things. Lots of things. We need Him.
Photo 26: Framed between majestic fir trees
Photo 27: Same mountain range
Photo 28: Toward the top. What a great day!

Here is the Commentary/Sermonette:

If you are interested in learning the Bible's position on some particular topic, check out my website and scan the titles and see if you find my address of that topic.

Listen, learn, live!

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