Finding Balance: Knowing When to Push Through and When to Take a Step Back | Finding the NEXTLevel

1 year ago

In this episode, we dive into the story shared by Ken Davis, a comedian and motivational speaker. He recounts his experience trying surfing and the valuable life lesson he learned in the process. As Ken floated near another experienced surfer, he expressed his curiosity about how to ride the waves. The surfer's response was simple yet profound: "You just gotta ride the wave." Little did Ken know, this encounter would serve as a metaphor for life itself.

Ken discovered that sometimes in life, we find ourselves riding the wave effortlessly, experiencing success and harmony. However, there are also moments when the wave seems to overpower us, knocking us down and leaving us feeling like we're on the verge of drowning. It is during these challenging times that we must learn when to push through and when to step back and recharge.

Taking a holistic approach to our lives, careers, and businesses is vital. We need to evaluate all aspects and eliminate anything that no longer serves us. Sometimes, certain things naturally come to an end, and we must have the strength to push through until that point. Ultimately, only we can make these decisions because it is our life and our responsibility.

So, if you find yourself feeling beaten down by the waves of life, take a moment to reflect on your journey thus far. Determine what you can eliminate or create space for in order to recharge and regain your strength. Remember, the key is to keep doing good work and never lose sight of the bigger picture.
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