The Lord's Gospel - Part 12

1 year ago

In this part, we continue our analysis of the Abrahamic Covenant by further examining the role of Abraham’s obedience of God’s commands as necessary for the fulfillment of the promises given to Abraham. We distinguish between promises given to a people that are conditioned upon the obedience of the people (e.g., Old Covenant promises made to the people of Israel), and unconditional promises given to a people that are confirmed by the obedience of the people (e.g., New Covenant promises made to authentic New Covenant believers). Of course, the promises made to Abraham were unconditional but confirmed by Abraham’s obedience of God’s charge, commandments, statutes, and laws. See Genesis 26:5, 22:5-19. In addition, suggestions are made as to how these four categories of instructions of God identified in Genesis 26:5 might be distinguished from one another.

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