The CCP may divert attention from domestic economic problems by taking radical actions

10 months ago

8/30/2023 【Wisconsin Roundtable on the CCP’s Threats】Ranking Member Rep. Krishnamoorthi: I think the key to innovation is freedom, and that's something the CCP hates! Communist China continues to grow rapidly, fueling Xi Jinping's ambitions, and when its economy grows weak, the CCP leadership is likely to divert attention from domestic economic problems by taking radical actions.
#CCP #US #Manufacture #CCPThreat #TakeDowntheCCP
8/30/2023 【关于中共威胁的威斯康星圆桌讨论会】中共问题特设委员会首席委员克里希纳莫尔蒂议员: 我认为创新的关键在于自由,而这正是中共憎恨的东西!中共国不断迅速壮大助长了习近平的野心。而当中共国经济衰退时,中共领导层很可能通过采取激进的行动来转移人们对国内经济问题的注意力。
#中共 #美国 #制造业 #中共威胁 #消灭中共

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