Miles Guo revealed years ago that the CCP had decided to have Terry Gou run for Taiwanese presidency

10 months ago

8/30/2023 【Aila on the ‘Battlefront: Frontline with Dustin Faulkner’】Aila Wang: Mr. Miles Guo revealed many years ago that the CCP had decided to have Terry Gou run for the presidency of Taiwan. The CCP covered up the suicides of Foxconn workers, and both the PLA and CCP intelligence agencies were involved in the relocation of the Foxconn factory from Shenzhen to Henan. In addition, Terry Gou has close ties with CCP kleptocrats such as Xi Jinping, Wang Qishan, and Jiang Zemin.
#TerryGou #Taiwan #NFSC #takedowntheCCP
8/30/2023 【小飞象做客《战场前线:与达斯汀·福克纳战斗在前线》节目】小飞象:郭文贵先生早在多年前就爆出,是中共决定让郭台铭去竞选台湾总统。中共掩盖了富士康工人自杀事件,而解放军和中共情报机构参与了富士康工厂从深圳搬迁到河南的过程。此外,郭台铭和习近平、王岐山和江泽民等中共盗国贼都有密切联系。
#郭台铭 #台湾 #新中国联邦 #消灭中共

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