Unresolved Trauma Creates Drama!

9 months ago

Are you caught up in a never-ending cycle of drama?

9 out of 10 times it’s to do with suppressed trauma!

Especially, unresolved trauma from your childhood years, between the ages of 0 and 7.

Traumatic experiences, whether from childhood or adulthood, can leave emotional wounds that fester over time.

These wounds often remain unaddressed because we are busy distracting ourselves, or we are having ‘too much fun’ being busy pursuing a career or family and the issues in our tissues have nowhere to go.

What you resist persists!
Instead of healing, the suppressed emotions manifest as dramas in various aspects of life.

Dramas thrive on heightened emotions, conflict, and chaos.

When unresolved trauma gets triggered it can lead to intense reactions that may seem disproportionate.

If you have a lot of supressed traumas in your subconscious mind, you might find yourself embroiled in frequent conflicts, struggling to maintain stable relationships, suffer financial setbacks, be accident prone, and experience more than your fair share of trouble and hardship.

So, dramas are really an invitation for you to commit to doing deep inner work, preferably with a coach/healer, who has specialized in trauma release and coaches you to do your inner work so you can have the best life.

Drama and unresolved trauma drain every resource you have, leaving you stuck in a pattern of negativity and scarcity.

Thankfully, there is a way out!

Click on the below link to read Grada's Blog in full ... https://gradarobertson.com/unresolved-trauma-creates-drama/

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