From Sleepy to Feisty: Birds Outside my Window. Who is watching who?

10 months ago

A while ago, my husband decided to plant this tree strategically by the window with a special purpose in mind – to create a haven for our feathered friends. With a bird feeder and a refreshing watering hole nearby, this tree has become the epicenter of avian activity. 🦜🍃

Every morning and afternoon, we're treated to a captivating spectacle as these lovely birds gather on the branches to sing their melodies, rest, and sometimes engage in friendly squabbles. 🎼💤 And the best part is, they don't just watch us, but we also get to watch them in their natural element.

From delicate songs to playful flights, we've seen it all. It's mesmerizing to witness them hop from branch to branch, almost like they're climbing stairs in their cozy avian haven. 🐤🏞️ And have you ever seen birds cuddle or meticulously groom their beaks after a hearty meal? It's a sight that warms the heart.

What's even more incredible is how these birds have grown comfortable with our presence. Their trust in us has grown to the point where they rarely take flight when we're around. 🏡❤️ It truly feels like a blessing to be able to share our space with these enchanting creatures.

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Thank you for being a part of this wonderful adventure with us! Let's cherish the beauty of nature together. 🌻🦢
#shorts #birds #love

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