⚠️The Hidden Message of MICHAEL Jackson on media lies,

9 months ago

elite manipulations of music industry
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GMO Ice Cream 🍨  🍦
Buyer Beware: GMO ice cream is here. To be clear, these fake ice creams are NOT PLANT-BASED. They're SYNTHETIC. The fake ice creams are created in a lab using an unregulated, extreme form of genetic engineering called Synthetic Biology. And because all new methods of genetic engineering have been deregulated and the new sham GMO labeling law that went into effect this month exempts synbio, these fake ice creams will have no GMO labeling. Patented lab-created proteins that mimic cow's milk proteins are the basis for these products. There are no safety studies required, nothing at all to make sure they're actually safe with no short or long-term health risks. Without long term safety testing, there is no way to know the potential adverse impacts on health over time. There are already concerns about allergenicity.
How do you identify this fake ice cream? Look for something on the label that says "Made with Perfect Day". It could be a logo, or just the words.
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