Huge Word From God: After 160 years, It's Time To Take On Giants!

10 months ago

Huge Word From God: After 160 years, It's Time To Take On Giants! This Is The Time Of Joshuas and Calebs!
raze, giants, sovereignty, 160 years, repent, civil war, god, Joshua, Caleb, history, gold and silver coins, economics, news, politics, we the people, reign, tangible assets, Jesus Christ
raze: completely destroy (a building, town, or other sites)
Sovereignty: supreme power or authority.a self-governing state

reign: hold royal office; rule as king or queen, Saints are Kings and Priests of God

Ask Jesus Christ, He is the Truth! Read the Bible it is the Truth. The system is an illusion by counterfeiters! Since 1913 the Creation of the Fed. But we the people have THE Creator on our side! The defense of the people is: ***it was all counterfeited money***, they do not own a Thing. Only gold and silver coins are and have ever been the only money. Since the beginning of time! It is all a con. Don't believe Blackrock's report that they claim to own over 80% of everything or the government's police State they have no power given to them by God or the people!! Romans 2:1 Whatever they accuse you of is what they are guilty of! Get the Word out. We the People must repent, so God is with us. Become a good moral people. This strengthens men internally so that they may stand and resist the devil. God is not with them! We the people demand honest money constitutional Money only gold and silver All Taxes are voluntary in gold and silver coins. No taxes income or property taxes then we will pay the government when they do the job they are called to do as ministers of God for justice for the individuals. The people control the power of the purse, we are then in control of the government! Thus says the Lord Almighty who instituted the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution. Both written documents Declare the Blood of Jesus Christ paid for our sins and these are the rights and benefits of this Covenant with God sealed by the Blood of Jesus Christ. It is a blood covenant. The very blood of God Almighty! To protect our God-given rights. Revelation They overcame to Satan the Father of all cons, illusions lie with the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony. Tangible Assets

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