NZ National Party loaned $40-60 BILLION from Chinese Communist Party 2008-2016 #PopUpBillboard

1 year ago

Here's my morning rant while standing out on Lincoln Rd Henderson Auckland with my NZ Loyal sign board 7-9am on Friday September 1, 2023. Following is the video I made back in 2014 featuring National's John Mcindoe for Hamilton West stating that his party loaned as much as $50,000,000,000 from the Chinese Communist Party from 2008-2014. I have Mcindoe on record, ladies and gentlemen! Watch here - See New Zealand's "Debt Clock" here - Key resigned as Prime Minister in December 2016, a whole year before the next NZ election was due to be held. A bit strange, right? Funny how Key's resignation coincided with Donald Trump being declared the winner of the US Presidential race! Funny how John Key left straight after that! - just one week later. That's right... "For family reasons." Yeah right :D :D :D More likely that Key was scared Trump would make him his new best friend. "... Keep your enemies closer." Did you know that John Key was the only ever non US-born adviser to the privately owned US Federal Reserve Bank from 1999-2001? Funny how Key looks a whole lot like the first Chairman of the US Federal Reserve (est 1913), a man called Pierre Jay. Family connection? Past life? Weird. Very strange...

The American professor whose name I couldn't remember out on the street is Dr Frances Boyle. Here's the article from my Co-creating blog that I published on Saturday, 22 February 2020 - The original interview with Boyle was published around 28 January 2020.

Re: getting rid of NZ's tax system entirely... NZ Loyal has crunched the numbers, and will roll out a 1% transaction tax when they are voted in at the next election in 7 weeks. This transaction tax will replace all other taxation that currently exists in NZ including Personal Tax, Company Tax, GST, and additional taxes such as petrol tax which is hidden and built into the purchase. ALL GONE !! "How is this possible?" you might ask. Put it this way... Which collective entity transacts the most money in New Zealand every day? You've got it.... The banks. This is HUGE!

Go to for much, much more.
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