Direct energy weapons known as DEW

1 year ago

Airborne Lasers (ABL) protons beams etc are a “new” type of weapon known to the public but have been in the pipe line for many years. These type of weapons are being used to usher in the new world order, climate change agenda, the great reset, 15 minute smart city’s, digital bank currency’s are more. Remember the saying with ~: chaos comes order.
They will continue to burn and destroy whole city’s, continue to buy up land even pretend to help victims while they kidnap, murder innocent men, woman & children, all to gain more power carry out sick satanic rituals and control the world. we are clearly dealing with the the spawn of pure evil, we have let these devils run wild on this plain. Now we have to deal with the outcome of letting them rome free.
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☑️ Think while it’s still legal.
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