Fertilizing and pruning your potatoes

9 months ago

Fertilize and prune your potatoes crop. Fertilize for your spuds or any root crop requires more than just your standard 10/10/10.
Let's first start with those numbers. the first is for nitrogen, the second is for phosphorus and the third is for potassium.
Nitrogen: Promotes leaf and stem growth and aids in the photosynthesis process. Nitrogen is one of the main components of the amino acids, which form the proteins that plants need to live and thrive.

Phosphorus: It is used in cell division to help generate new plant tissues.
It promotes root growth and health.

Potassium: Triggers certain plant enzymes and regulates Co2 uptake. Also vital for the transportation of water and nutrients within the plant.

Being a root vegetable the plant will need more phosphorous to produce its eatable parts, the potatoes. So if you are using a fertilizer that has equal parts of the three main components, you may need to add more phosphorus
this can be done by using bone meal, but make sure to read the directions for the correct amount to add.

Potatoes are in the nightshade family. the only eatable part of the plant is the tubers, the potatoes themselves. The leaves and flowers that are produced are mildly poisonous. So I would not feed them to any farm animals, just throw them in the compost pile.
I am trimming the blooms from the plants as they appear so the plant will direct its resources into making the potato tubers.

#growingpotatoes #pruningpotatoes #furtilizingpotatoes #rootcrops

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