Imagine not needing air-conditioning

8 months ago

I live in a 1976 mobile trailer that was built using 2"X3" thick walls.

in original condition, these mobile trailers would be hotter inside than outside temperatures as the outside is wrapped in an aluminum siding and roof, making it an oven.

Grampa Jerry built an addition on it back in the 80's, and one of the best things he did was build an insulated roof over the entire trailer. The trees also shield it from the sun, but before last year it would still get 30 degree's inside on hot days, so i did need an air-conditioner.

However, after a few minor upgrades costing less than $3000, I no longer need an air-conditioner.

I replaced four windows @$1500, and the Rockwool insulation was $1000 for half the trailer and $100 for the house wrap. The siding is going to be the biggest cost, I'm not sure what product I'm going to use, but it will be a natural product, either board and batten or hardy-plank.

The fact of reality is that houses are built to be as inefficient as possible so then homes require huge amounts of energy for air-conditioning in summer and heat in winter. Even in new homes with all the new technology and extra thick walls making them airtight, government regulations then demand you install an H-Vac system which is a 6" duct going to every room to supply AND remove air through a constant fan that runs 24,7,365 days a year so all your heat and cool air is removed so then your heaters and air conditioners are running constantly.

There is a conspiracy Electric Vehicles are going to crash the grid, however, its great propaganda bc EV's don't use any more energy than a cook stove or dryer; they can be charged in a couple hours late at night when there is little demand on the grid.

In the last three years energy use by air-conditioners has been setting records for energy use bc houses are intentionally built to be as inefficient as possible. But consider with a little thought homes could be built much more efficiently so they didn't need air conditioners or much heat in winter.

Imagine what that would do for the world to be using a fraction of the energy we currently use. Here in British Columbia most of our energy comes from hydro, so it's not creating emissions, but the rest of the world runs on coal and gas power. Imagine if the world needed a fraction of the energy it currently demands, what it would do not only for people's pocketbooks but for the world in reducing emissions.

People need to understand the world is a capitalist world in which capitalists intentionally created a society that uses as much energy as possible for nothing more than profit. it's also criminal and manipulative that the prices of energy are artificially driven as high as possible. many people are getting $500 electric bills.

If Canada was to kill corporations and Nationalize its resources people would be paying a fraction of what they are now for energy and things like lumber to build houses.

This sick dictatorship capitalistic world is not what our forefathers fought and died to eliminate corrupt assholes like Hitler and Stalin only to have democracy sold via lobbying by capitalists. These people are pure Evil, and know exactly what they are doing to manipulate society for their control.

Most people recognize God and Jesus, but very few realize the reality that this world has been subjugated by the Devil, via people who've sold their Souls for money and power, to profit. Look what it's done to the world; the economy society and environment are all destroyed, and on the brink of complete chaos. If you were the Devil wouldn't you do exactly what is being done today?

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