You have authority in Christ over all spiritual attacks

1 year ago

🔥 Engaging in spiritual warfare reminds us that we possess the authority, through Jesus and God, to conquer even the fiercest battles against darkness. 🙏✨ As we stand firm in faith, we're empowered to overcome every spiritual obstacle that seeks to hinder our growth and purpose. The divine strength within us is greater than any force that may oppose us. Let's remember that we are warriors equipped with the armor of God, ready to claim victory and spread His light in a world that needs it. 🛡️🌟 #SpiritualWarfare #AuthorityInChrist #ConquerorsInHim #ArmorOfGod #FaithOverFear #DivineStrength #WarriorOfLight #OvercomingObstacles #VictoryInJesus #SpiritualJourney #DivineAuthority #FaithInAction #ShineHisLight

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