Tom Marazzo Book The People’s Emergency Act ~ The Convoy and Your Relationship with a Higher Power?

1 year ago

My BOOK will be available on Amazon ~ September 6th! IN HARDCOVER & PAPERBACK

“The first 10 minutes of being in my car and driving to Ottawa I didn't feel like. I was alone in that car. I felt literally like I was being taken and when I got to the city, I felt like I was amongst a club of people that were spiritually enveloped by something. There was a lot of times people would say to me, ‘I'm praying for you.’ and I always said, ‘Pray for wisdom and pray for good decision making, because that's what we need more than anything now.’”

In January 2022, Canadians put their livelihoods on the line and trucked across our country in the bitter cold to uphold the Rights and Freedoms of ALL Canadians, because of unreasonable mandates being imposed by our Federal and Provincial governments.
This book is an insider story. My account of life events leading up to, during and after the Freedom Convoy. It’s about my personal experience, and right or wrong, how I influenced the decisions we made during the People’s Emergency Act.
The People’s Emergency Act: Freedom Convoy 2022
©Tom Marazzo 2023 Available in September on Amazon

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