Dangerous Teaching on Salvation - Do you have to speak in Tongues to receive the Holy Spirit?

10 months ago

One of the biggest misconceptions on Salvation is that you have to speak in tongues to prove that you have the Holy Spirit. The Bible clearly teaches that you receive the Holy Spirit when you accept Christ as your Savior. Tongues is just one of many spiritual gifts and to elevate this gift to the level of an evidence of the filling of the Holy Spirit is wrong. These teachings can drive people from the Faith thinking they are not good enough and they give up and is used to scare others that they will not be raptured.

This is a more informal video. Do your own research.
Scriptures to read
1 Corinthians 12-15
Romans 8:9
Ephesians 1 :13-14

Here are some examples of tongues:

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