1 year ago

0:00 Orcane is Weird
3:15 Sylvanos is THE KEY

I try my best to answer what Orcane is. I could be wrong. But id rather start up something than just wait for other people to do the job. So if im wrong. Please. Do research and say why in the Comment Section. Lets try to figure out the AWESOME WORLD... Of Rivals of AETHER


Orcane Story
When he first arrived in Water Town, the merchant capital of Aether, Orcane was considered a dangerous nuisance and a criminal. Orcane is a playful trickster, notorious for escaping even the most precarious of situations. However, while the Water Merchants denounce Orcane in public, they do not hesitate to call upon him when they need a situation dealt with quietly. Orcane is sly and can infiltrate even the most secure strongholds. He can transform into water and confuse enemies with a spray of bubbles, making him the perfect candidate for stealth assignments.

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