FBI continues to slander my name, God continues to protect. Homer,AK

1 year ago

Even after everything was proven false and my case was dismissed all "evidence" thrown out, the FBI continues to slander my name. It's like someone else I know is being attacked by the rogue FBI, geee, who could that be?? The lies of the devil WILL NOT prevail but rather these liars will be punished, all be it seemingly moving slowly like glacial ice, eventually the liars will be punished. Proverbs 19:5 "A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes lies will not escape." Homer, Alaska August 30th, 2023 mefoundation.world Satan knows the Mordecai and Esther Foundation has started yet another exciting ministry to children in India and the devil is raging. Thank God his roaring is empty chatter.

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