Corona Investigative Committee w/ Patrick Wood Concerning Technocracy - 11/19/21

10 months ago

(Nov 19, 2021) This informative interview was taken from ‘Session 79’ of the Corona Investigative Committee with German lawyer Viviane Fischer and Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg. Patrick Wood is a critical expert on sustainable development, the green economy, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, transhumanism, and the globalist technocracy movement. Patrick Wood explains that technocracy is a completely different ideology than communism and fascism (although there are similarities). Technocracy is a formalized doctrine and ideology created in the 1930’s by a group of engineers and scientists from Columbia University. They decided that they would create a brand new resource based economic system to replace the free market. Their goal was to balance resources versus production, and balance natural resources using energy as a control mechanism to throttle or speed up the economy. Technocracy fizzled out until the Trilateral Commission, created by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski, adopted it in the early 1970’s, the United Nations and globalists have been pushing it ever since.

According to Patrick Wood the key to understanding the insane lockstep global COVID response is the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity in 1992. He says that when the pandemic hit, the UN went to all the nations that participated in the Biodiversity Convention, and they said, "This is what you signed. This is what we must do. We are taking control over this situation." And all of the nations of the world simultaneously panicked and ran off to execute the policies that they were given to execute. The lock-downs, face masks, social distancing, and later the vaccines, all of these policies, were shoved down the nations of the worlds throats by the U.N., because of what they signed off on at the Biodiversity Convention in 1992.

Patrick Wood says the globalist technocratic elites like Klaus Schwab think the rest of us are no better than cows, which are happy just eating grass and being moved from one field to the next. Cows don’t need to own anything to be happy, so in their twisted minds neither do we. As lunatic Klaus Schwab publicly said, “You will own nothing and be happy.” The technocratic global elites plan to own everything and control every aspect of our lives. The rest of mankind will become their genetically modified, owned, and patented slaves if they are not stopped.

Patrick Wood:
Corona Investigative Committee:
Corona Investigative Committee:

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