Exodus 6:9-7:13, August 13, 2023, But Pharoah Will Not Heed You

10 months ago

Exodus 6:9-7:13, But Pharoah Will Not Heed You
August 13, 2023, S-1553-KL
Today, we see God again command Moses to confront Pharaoh while Moses again pleads his inadequacy to do so. Moses asks God, “…and how shall Pharaoh heed me” (Exodus 6:30), and God replies, “But Pharaoh will not heed you” (Exodus 7:4). Pastor Kevin points to the parallels in the life of the prophet Jeremiah, 800 years later. In both cases, God assures his servants that He will give them the words to speak and, even though neither Pharaoh nor the wayward Israelites would heed them, God always warns a people before He brings judgment on them. Today, God has given believers His words in the Scriptures and commands us also to warn others of God’s soon-coming judgment. Though most will not heed us either, God is working out His perfect purposes despite what we experience in the moment, even as He has in the past.
In Moses’ next encounter with Pharaoh, we see Pharaoh’s sorcerers appear to duplicate God’s miraculous transformation of Aaron’s rod into a serpent. Pastor Kevin explains the connection between sorcery, drug use, and demonism, and our service concludes with one man’s testimony of his encounters with demons while using drugs and how God miraculously delivered him from slavery to drugs and alcohol.
Associated notes and links are at calvarypo.org under Sermon Archives, Exodus, https://calvarypo.org/sermons/but-pharaoh-will-not-heed-you-exodus-69-713/

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