How to change IP Address on Ethernet & Wifi Network | Windows 10 | IT Support

8 months ago

Welcome to our IT Support channel! In this tutorial, we're diving into the essential skill of changing your IP address on both Ethernet and WiFi networks using Windows 10. Whether you're troubleshooting connectivity issues or simply need to refresh your network settings, knowing how to change your IP address can be a valuable tool in your tech toolkit.

🔗 Skip to specific sections:
00:00 - Introduction and importance of managing IP addresses
01:20 - Changing IP address on Ethernet network
03:15 - Adjusting IP settings on WiFi network
05:30 - Troubleshooting common IP-related problems
07:00 - Best practices for maintaining a stable network connection
09:10 - Wrap-up and why understanding IP addresses is crucial

No matter your tech proficiency level, we've got you covered. Our step-by-step guide simplifies the process, making it accessible to beginners while offering insights for advanced users. Don't forget to hit the like button if you find this tutorial helpful, and subscribe for more informative IT support content.

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