So Inherently Disgusting: No One Wants to Believe That People Would Weaponize a Public Health Event!

1 year ago

So Inherently Disgusting: No One Wants to Believe That People Would Weaponize a Public Health Event!

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Dr Robert W Malone speaks about the relationship between the WHO, the WEF, and our health: "In fact, what we are seeing is the weaponization of public health to support other agendas that have nothing to do with public health. [...] The digital passports, the digital ID, and now, the destruction of decentralised blockchain based cyber currency concurrent with the destruction in value of the fiat paper, fiat currencies, and the strong stated desire to migrate towards centralised digital currencies with MPT coding for every transaction that you may take and linkage to digital IDs of every individual.

I really, really didn't want to go here, to draw this conclusion that what we really have going on here has nothing to do with public health. It has everything to do with a financial crisis and a coordinated attempt to manage through that financial crisis so those that currently control the bulk of the world's capital are able to maintain control. I hate it, being in this position of saying these words. It is so inherently disgusting to me, and I think to most of us, when we encounter these ideas and we read this information that comes from economists and market analysts and others that seem to very frequently endorse this logic, I think we all recoil from it.

We recoil from the idea that there would be a group who is so deeply unethical that they would weaponize a public health event to advance their economic interests and a broad globalised economic agenda."

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