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New Presser feet Part 1

1 year ago

Full video up soon!

Bone crusher is my tried and true.  I learned to sew on this machine and love him.  But DARN it's inconvenient to only have an all-purpose foot!

I was given a box of 'new' singer feet and most of them work on my Kenmore!  Check them out...

In this video we cover the ruffler foot. It needed some oil but now its pleating like a champion! Such a fast, easy way to create ruffles and pleats in fabric.

#Kenmoresewing #SingerPresserFeet #OldSewingMachines #PresserFeet
Check out the full make here -  

Powered by clean energy with EarlyBird.  Grab some here with a discount -
 https://mtr.cool/emkhtwctvr code Kaedy10  If you buy some with the link I'll
 get a commission!  ❤  (Plus it's just delicious and really works.)

Reach out with more sewing and machine questions!

This video isn't sponsored - I just love doing this!

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